Agenda for Next Meeting

Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting in in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (1) (2).  There are no items of a confidential & contractual nature for discussion under Part B (exclusion of press and public) at this meeting.

You are called upon to attend a meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 7:15pm.  The business is set out in the agenda below. 


Jim Roberts 

J P Roberts, Clerk to the Council 


Additional information  [to be uploaded]


1          Chair’s remarks  Opening welcome from the Chairman.


2          Open Public Forum        


3          Apologies for Absence & Declarations of Interests   


4          Minutes  Council to approve minutes of 5 June 2024.


5          Report of the County and District Councillor

6          Planning & Consultations

            6.1  Decisions since the previous meeting:

            6.1.1  Approved  23/2382/MFUL Great Houndbeare Farm Caravan Mobile home & shed

            6.1.2  Refused  24/0908/PDQ  Barton Farm Buildings  Conversion to 2 dwellings

6.2  24/1203/COU  Rosamondford Farm  Vacant chicken shed change of use

            6.3  EDDC Local Plan Member Working Group  Site Allocations meeting 16th August 2024


7          Village Matters

7.1  Donation to St Mary’s for Churchyard Upkeep

7.2  Village Fete 13th July 2024

7.3  Speeding on B3180


8          Noticeboards   Confirmation of preferred quote for new boards


9          Finance  

9.1  Budget Review for 2023-24 and First Quarter of 2024-25

9.2  Current balances  Current £ 5669.91  Others £ 4,941.60 + £  707.97             £ 11.319.48

9.3  Payments  To consider the following payments:

9.3.1  J P Roberts - clerk pay, (June)                                      £  284.43

Reimbursement for VH Internet Jurassic Fibre (June)           £    17.50

Reimbursement for pension payment (June)                        £    91.47          £      440.60

   9.3.2  HMRC (clerk’s PAYE Income Tax for June)                                           £        68.20


10        Next Meeting   Wednesday 4th September 2024




Meetings, Agenda & Minutes